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Includes Amazon Certification Exams and 1000+ Others
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Included Amazon Certifications
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner : AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner |
AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty : AWS Certified Data Analytics - Specialty |
AWS Certified Database - Specialty : AWS Certified Database - Specialty |
AWS Certified Developer - Associate : AWS Certified Developer - Associate |
AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty : AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty |
AWS Certified Security - Specialty : AWS Certified Security - Specialty |
AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional : AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional |
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate : AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate |
AWS DevOps Engineer Professional : AWS DevOps Engineer Professional |
Included Amazon Exams
AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty ANS-C01 : AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty ANS-C01 |
AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01 : AWS Certified AI Practitioner AIF-C01 |
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 : AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner CLF-C02 |
AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 : AWS Certified Data Engineer - Associate DEA-C01 |
AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 : AWS Certified Developer - Associate DVA-C02 |
AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional DOP-C02 : AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional DOP-C02 |
AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty : AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty (MLS-C01) |
AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate MLA-C01 : AWS Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate MLA-C01 |
AWS Certified Security - Specialty SCS-C02 : AWS Certified Security - Specialty SCS-C02 |
AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 : AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate SAA-C03 |
AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional SAP-C02 : AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional SAP-C02 |
AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate : AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate (SOA-C02) |
AWS-SysOps : AWS Certified SysOps Administrator (SOA-C01) |
More about Amazon certifications:
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